Acephate 97up is an insecticide for control of pests on selected agricultural crops and in certain non-crop areas. The active ingredient in Acephate 97 is acephate, a water-soluble insecticide readily absorbed by plant roots and foliage to give systemic control...
Floramite SC Ornamental Miticide provides outstanding control of a variety of mite pests on ornamentals plants in greenhouse, shadehouse, nursery, field, landscape and interiorscape settings. Floramite SC is effective on a variety of mites and all life stages of Tetranychid...
ADMIRE PRO 140 ounces
Admire Pro insecticide, which provides economical & long-lasting control of damaging insects in fruit & vegetable crops. Packaging: 140 oz Active Ingredient: Imidacloprid 42.8% Other Ingredients 57.2% Target Pests: Cotton Aphid, Thrips, Plant bugs, Whiteflies, Green Stink Bug, Southern Green Stink Bug, Bandedwinged...
Agri Star Amine is a herbicide that provides control of broadleaf weeds and aquatic weeds. Packaging: 2 X 2.5 GAL or 1 GAL Active Ingredient: Dimethylamine Salt of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid 46.8% and Other ingredients 53.2% Target Pests: Alligator weed, bindweed, bittercress, box...
Akari 5SC Miticide/Insecticide is a contact miticide/insecticide used for the control of several mite and insect species on cucumbers, tomatoes, and peppers grown in the greenhouse; and all ornamental crops including flowering and foliage crops, nursery crops, nonbearing fruit trees...
ASSEMBLY 8-24-6 2.5
The 3m 5000 Respirator helps provide protection against certain airborne contaminants. This respirator is NIOSH approved for respiratory protection against certain organic vapors and particulates up to ten times the permissible exposure limit. Half Facepiece respirator may be used in...
ASSET RTU 6-20-5
Asset RTU is a 6-20-5 fertilizer solution with an added EDTA micronutrient package. It can promote early season root development and help improve tolerance to late season growing stresses. Packaging: 2.5 Gal Active Ingredient: Total Nitrogen (N) ………………………………………………………………………….. 6.00%\ 6.00% Ammoniacal...
Attain TR Micro Total Release Insecticide is a ready-to-use, ultra-low-volume insecticide fogger that controls a variety of greenhouse insect pests, including aphids, fungus gnats, mealybugs, mites, thrips and whiteflies, along with several other secondary insect pests. Packaging: 2 oz. Active Ingredients: Bifenthrin 4.0%...
Avalon Insecticide controls a wide spectrum of insects and mites on trees, shrubs, foliage plants, non-bearing fruit and nut trees, and flower. Packaging: 64 fl Active Ingredient: Bifenthrin 7.9% Other Ingredients 92.1% Target Pests: Ants, Carpenter Ants, Fire Ants, Armyworms, Lady Beetles, Bees,...
Cal Mag Max 7-0-3
Cal-Mag Max is great for all classes of horticultural plants, including ornamentals, trees, shrubs, plants, turfgrass, etc.. When applied as a foliar spray, it provides almost immediate correction of calcium and magnesium deficiencies. Cal-Mag Max can also be applied to...
MANNI-PLEX CAL-MAG is designed for application to all field, row, vegetable, fruit, tree and vine crops, and turf and ornamentals for the prevention and correction of calcium and magnesium deficiencies when used as part of a balanced fertility program. Packaging:...
Sevin Carbaryl Insecticide is a broad spectrum insecticide that is effective in controlling more than 130 ornamental and turf insect pests that includes worms, moths, ticks, borers, grasshoppers, beetles, caterpillars, grubs and more. Active Ingredient: Carbaryl 43.4% Other Ingredients 56.6% Active...
Celsius WG is a postemergent herbicide that provides weed control. Packaging: 10 OZ Active Ingredient: Thiencarbazone-methyl 8.7%, Iodosulfuron-methyl-sodium 1.9%, Dicamba 57.4%, and other ingredients 32% Target Pests: Annual and Perennial broadleaf weeds, and Others (see label for complete list) For Use In: Commercial...
Companion Biological Fungicide is a safe, 100 percent natural biological fungicide that both prevents and controls a broad spectrum of root and foliar diseases such as root rot, blight, wilt, bottom- and stem-rot, and bacterial leaf spot. Packaging: 4 x 1...
Conserve SC insect control offers fast, effective control of thrips, leafminers and other lepidopterous insects at low use rates in turf and ornamental settings. Packaging: 1 Qt Active Ingredients: Spinosad 11.6% Other Ingredients 88.4% Target Pests: Thrips, Lepidopterous Larvae, Foliage Feeding Worms, Fire...
CORRAL 2.68G 50 LB BAG granular
Corral 2.68G is a long lasting and consistent pre-emergent herbicide that offers a broad spectrum in controlling troublesome weed problems by annual grasses, chickweed and spurge. Packaging: 50 lb bag Active Ingredient: Pendimethalin – 2.68 % Other Ingredient 96.32% Target Pest: Barnyardgrass, crabgrass,...
Crossbow is a herbicide that provides control of unwanted annual and perennial broadleaf weeds. Packaging: 4 X 1 GAL Active Ingredient: Dimethylamine Salt of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid, butoxyethyl ester 34.4% and 3,5,6-Trichloro-2-pyridinyloxyacetic acid, butoxyethyl ester 16.5% and other Ingredients 49.1%. Target Pests: Trees,...
DES-X insecticidal soap concentrate is a bio-insecticide that controls insect and mite pests on contact. It contains specially selected fatty acid salts (soaps) that penetrate the body of pests and results in rapid death. Packaging: 2.5Gal & 30Gal Active Ingredient: Potassium Salts...
Dipel DF delivers protection from over 55 species of worm (lepidopteran) pests without harming beneficial insects, Unsurpassed pest control for more than 200 different crops. Packaging: 1 lb or 5 lb Active Ingredient: Bacillus thuringiensis, subsp. kurstaki, strain ABTS-351, fermentation solids, spores, and...
ELE-MAX 0-28-26
Ele-Max Foliar Phosphite products (0-28-26, 4-30-20 and 0-0-30) are highly soluble and effectively deliver needed phosphorus and potassium. Potassium is well known for its ability to increase cell wall thickness, creating a physical barrier to prevent pathogen entry and spreading...
Eschaton 5 WDG works on-contact and moves translaminar through the plant to reach and eliminate mites wherever they are on its surface. The fast-acting formula is effective on a wide range of spider mites, including two-spotted, citrus, Lewis, Southern and...
OmegaGrow® fertilizer effectively increases yield, stand strength, enhanced root growth and beneficial microbial population. Many university studies and independent field tests have been conducted proving the benefit of adding our products to existing fertilizer programs. In these research studies, the...
Fortress is a pre-emergent herbicide that controls broadleaf weeds. Packaging: 50 lb bag Active Ingredient: Isoxaben – 0.50% Dithiopyr – 0.25% and Other Ingredients 99.25% Target Pests: Aster, bittercress, hairy brassbuttons, carpetweed, chickweed, dandelion, henbit, knotweed, oxalis and Others (see label for complete list)...
Gallery specialty herbicide provides superior preemergence broadleaf weed control with best-in-class ornamental and turf safety. Packaging: 1 qt. Active Ingredient: isoxaben 45.45%, and Other Ingredients 54.55% Target Pests: 95 species of broadleaf weeds and Others (see label for complete list) For Use...